Download the TOTUM: Discounts for you app and unlock a world of amazing discounts and perks tailored specifically for UK students. With TOTUM Digital, you can access over 100 incredible online student discounts from popular brands, completely free of charge. Looking for even more benefits? Upgrade to TOTUM and enjoy a comprehensive list of national and local brand discounts, as well as exclusive access to flash sales and special offers. Plus, you'll receive a 12-month International Student Card (ISIC) digital membership and PASS-approved proof of age ID. If you're a professional learner or part of a professional body, TOTUM: Discounts for you is designed to help you save on everything from technology to travel. With the TOTUM app, all the best student discounts from major brands like Co-op, Boots, ODEON, Amazon, and more are just a tap away. And if you already have an NUS extra card, you can enjoy all the features of the TOTUM app at no additional cost. Get the app today and start saving!
- Wide range of student discounts: The app offers over 100 fantastic online student discounts at big name brands, providing students with substantial savings on their purchases.
- Full membership benefits: With the TOTUM membership, users can enjoy access to a complete list of national and local brand discounts, exclusive flash sales, and special offers. It also includes a 12-month International Student Card (ISIC) digital membership and a PASS-approved proof of age ID.
- TOTUM PRO for professionals: Designed specifically for professional learners and members of professional bodies, the app opens up a world of savings on tech, fitness, travel, and groceries.
- Convenient access to discounts: The app conveniently puts all the best student discounts in one place, both in-store and online. Users can easily browse and redeem deals on major brands like Co-op, Boots, ODEON, Amazon, Fender, ASOS, Apple, National Express, and more.
- Seamless transition for existing cardholders: Existing NUS extra cardholders can access all the features of the app for the duration of their card at no extra cost, ensuring a smooth transition and continued savings.
- Social integration: The app is easily accessible through popular social media platforms, allowing users to connect with it on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for updates and additional information.
In conclusion, the TOTUM: Discounts for you app offers UK students a comprehensive and convenient way to access a wide range of student discounts from various brands. With its full membership benefits, exclusive deals, and seamless transition for existing cardholders, the app is a must-have for students looking to save money on their purchases. Download the app today and start enjoying the incredible savings it offers.