CityXerpa - Food delivery

CityXerpa is the ultimate app to help you navigate your day without any hassle. From food delivery to traveling, shopping, and even sending and collecting items, IT has got you covered. With over 160 partners, you can order from your favorite restaurants, explore Andorra with CityXerpa Move, shop at Carrefour supermarket, and even find the perfect gift in the Shops category. This app allows you to save your delivery addresses, track your orders, rate your experience, and even tip your Xerpa. Plus, you can enjoy discounts, schedule orders, and search for specific products or businesses. Download now and let our Xerpas make your life easier in just a few minutes. Stay tuned for more amazing features coming soon! Made with love in Andorra for Andorra.
* Food delivery from your favorite restaurants.
* Go anywhere in Andorra with CityXerpa Move.
* Shop at Carrefour supermarket without leaving your home.
* Send and receive documents, packages, or products.
* Buy anything you want with the 'Whatever you want' category.
* Get your necessities from the 'Pharmacy' category without leaving home.
With features like food delivery from your favorite restaurants, convenient shopping at Carrefour supermarket, and the ability to send and receive packages, CityXerpa makes your life easier. Whether you need something specific or aren't feeling well, the 'Whatever you want' category and 'Pharmacy' category have got you covered. With over 160 partners, it is Andorra's must-have app. Download it for free and experience the convenience yourself. Stay tuned for exciting updates and new features coming soon!