Train Ticket Booking App

With Train Ticket Booking App, your Indian Railway journey just got a whole lot easier. From booking train tickets to checking live train status, seat availability, PNR status, and even ordering food online for your journey, this app has got you covered. You can also find trains between any stations, get real-time updates on train schedules, fare charges, and more. Plus, with features like shopping, entertainment, and travel services like booking flights, hotels, buses, and cabs, EasyTrain is your one-stop solution for all things railway-related. Download the app today and make your train travel hassle-free!
⭐ Convenient Train Ticket Booking: EasyTrain App allows users to book their train tickets in a convenient way, saving time and hassle. With step-by-step tutorials for using the new IRCTC Portal, booking tickets has never been easier.
⭐ Realtime Live Train Status: Users can check the live status of trains in real-time, including expected arrival and departure timings, delays, and the last location of the train. This feature is extremely helpful for planning journeys and staying updated on train schedules.
⭐ Seamless Search Trains Option: Find trains between any stations, check seat availability, running status, schedule, fare information, and even book tickets all from one window. This feature makes planning and booking train journeys a breeze.
⭐ PNR Status Checking: Easily check the PNR status of your train ticket with just a few clicks. Share your status with friends and family instantly via Whatsapp, Facebook, or Email.
⭐ Order Food Online: Book food for your train journey without leaving your seat. Receive instant alerts via SMS and Email and pay cash on delivery. This convenient feature ensures you have a tasty meal during your travel.
⭐ Utilize the Live Train Status feature to stay updated on train schedules and delays, making your journey more efficient.
⭐ Use the Search Trains option to quickly find and book your desired train tickets without the hassle of navigating multiple windows.
⭐ Check your PNR status regularly to ensure you have a confirmed seat on your train journey.
⭐ Take advantage of the Order Food Online feature to enjoy a delicious meal during your train ride without the need to step off at a station.
⭐ Explore the Shopping and Entertainment options for a fun and enjoyable travel experience.
Train Ticket Booking App is a must-have for anyone traveling on Indian Railways. With convenient train ticket booking, real-time live train status updates, seamless search options, PNR status checking, online food ordering, and various other features, this app simplifies the travel experience. Download EasyTrain App today for a smooth and stress-free train journey.