Decathlon Outdoor : randonnée

Discover the perfect hiking companion with Decathlon Outdoor : randonnée, the ultimate free app for adventurers. With a vast selection of over 50,000 trails in France, this easy-to-use app helps you find the ideal hike for every level. Whether you're seeking a peaceful stroll through nature or a challenging mountain trek, Decathlon Outdoor has you covered. Benefit from expertly curated routes, detailed altitude information, and even offline GPS guidance to keep you on track. Plus, earn loyalty points with Decat'Club for every outdoor adventure. Join the community, explore new paths, and contribute to the app's growth by sharing your own routes.
* Access to over 50,000 hiking and cycling routes in France
* Reviews and ratings from the community to help you choose the best hike
* Visual and audible GPS guidance for easy navigation
* Save favorite hikes for quick access
* Loyalty program integration for rewards based on the time spent outdoors
* Ability to create and share your own routes with the community
Decathlon Outdoor : randonnée is a versatile and user-friendly hiking app that provides a wide range of features to enhance your outdoor experience. With its extensive database of routes, GPS guidance, loyalty program rewards, and community engagement, this app is a must-have for both seasoned hikers and beginners looking to explore the great outdoors. Download now and start your next adventure!