MIFARE Classic Tool

Introducing the MIFARE Classic Tool, a powerful app designed for users familiar with MIFARE Classic technology. This tool provides a range of features to interact with MIFARE Classic RFID tags. Easily read and edit tag data, write data block-wise, and even clone tags. The app also offers key management based on a dictionary-attack, allowing you to authenticate with known keys and access sectors. Additionally, you can format tags back to their factory state, write to the manufacturer block of special MIFARE Classic tags, and decode/encode value blocks and access conditions. With in-app help and information, this open-source tool is essential for any MIFARE Classic user.
❤️ Read MIFARE Classic tags: Easily read data from MIFARE Classic RFID tags.
❤️ Save and edit tag data: Conveniently save and modify the data you have read from a MIFARE Classic tag.
❤️ Write to MIFARE Classic tags (block-wise): Write data to MIFARE Classic tags on a block-by-block basis.
❤️ Clone MIFARE Classic tags: Duplicate the contents of one MIFARE Classic tag onto another, making it easy to create copies.
❤️ Key management based on dictionary-attack: Authenticate with known keys stored in a dictionary file to access and read all sectors of a tag.
❤️ Format a tag back to the factory/delivery state: Reset a tag to its original state, undoing any changes made.
This user-friendly app is a comprehensive tool for anyone familiar with MIFARE Classic technology. MIFARE Classic Tool allows users to effortlessly interact with MIFARE Classic RFID tags, offering features like reading, writing, and analyzing tag data. With its easy-to-use interface and practical capabilities, this app is a must-have for MIFARE Classic users. Click here to download now and enhance your RFID tag experience!