Embark on an enchanting journey into another world filled with adorable spirits in this captivating Soul Knight The Teleported Dad game! With stunning 2D animations and sensuous illustrations by renowned manga artist, Takuya Fujima, each character comes to life with full voice acting by luxury voice actors. As you purify corrupted spirits and save the world, you can collect over 70 diverse and beautiful girl characters, nurturing them to reach their full potential. Enjoy a casual gameplay experience with easy deck arrangements, auto mode for quick strengthening, and various game modes like territory battles, guild competitions, boss battles, and real-time cooperation with friends. Dive into the world of spirits and embark on a thrilling adventure today!
❤ Beautiful 2D animations: Meet cute spirits depicted in moving 2D animations that will capture your heart and bring the game to life.
❤ Sensuous illustrations: Enjoy sensuous illustrations designed by the famous manga artist Takuya Fujima, adding a touch of elegance and beauty to the game.
❤ Luxury voice actors: Immerse yourself in the game with full voice acting by luxury voice actors, giving each spirit a unique and captivating voice.
❤ Job flexibility: Switch between swordsman, archer, and mage freely, eliminating the need for multiple accounts and allowing for a more versatile gameplay experience.
❤ Character development: Raise your stats through training, achieve job promotions, and delve into character-specific scenarios that deepen your connection and love for the spirits.
❤ Collect and nurture: Collect over 70 diverse beautiful girl characters and enjoy building your collection by nurturing, training, and evolving your favorite spirits.
❤ Full auto mode: Take advantage of the full auto mode to easily and quickly strengthen your spirits, even when you're away from the game.
❤ Explore diverse content: Engage in various game content such as territory battles, competition battles, exploration, guild activities, arena battles, quests, boss battles, party raids, and more to keep yourself entertained and challenged.
With stunning animations, sensuous illustrations, and luxury voice actors, the game offers a unique and immersive experience. Whether you're a casual player or a hardcore gamer, there is something for everyone in this idle RPG mobile game. Dive into the diverse game content, collect charming spirits, and enjoy the journey of purifying corrupted spirits to save the world. Download Soul Knight The Teleported Dad now and begin your epic quest!