Brief the Chief

Step into the shoes of three of the most influential presidents in American history with the interactive App "Brief the Chief." As a trusted advisor, it's your job to guide President Jefferson, Lincoln, or Johnson through pivotal moments in their presidencies. Engage in conversations with people inside and outside the White House to gather valuable insights and information. Utilize evidence-based reasoning to formulate well-informed advice for the president on topics ranging from international crises to domestic conflicts. Present your recommendations and witness the historical outcomes of each challenge you tackle. With helpful features like Spanish translation and voiceover, this game also serves as an invaluable tool for English Language Learners. Expand your knowledge while honing your critical thinking and argumentative skills. Developed in partnership with The White House Historical Association, "Brief the Chief" is the ultimate app for anyone interested in understanding the intricacies of the executive branch, comparing historical perspectives, and constructing well-supported arguments.
- Historical Challenges: Users can take on the role of advising three different presidents - Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Lyndon B. Johnson - through various historical challenges.
- Authentic White House Setting: Users can immerse themselves in the historical context by talking to people in and around the White House, including confidants and stakeholders.
- Evidence-based Reasoning: Users can engage in critical thinking and decision-making by collecting notes and using evidence-based reasoning to provide the president with well-informed council.
- Multiple Presidencies: Users have the option to choose from three different presidencies, allowing them to experience and compare the leadership styles and decision-making processes of Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Lyndon B. Johnson.
- Language Support: The app offers a support tool for English Language Learners, including Spanish translation, voiceover, and a glossary, making it accessible and inclusive for a wider range of users.
- Historical Outcomes: Users can explore the historical outcomes of each challenge, gaining a deeper understanding of the impact of different decisions and policies on historical events.
Engage in evidence-based reasoning, consult with stakeholders, and compare different presidencies to gain a comprehensive understanding of the executive branch of government. With language support and a focus on historical outcomes, Brief the Chief app offers an engaging and accessible learning experience for all users. Download now to shape history.